Spinning up Paseo

How to spin up the Paseo Relay chain locally

Use Pop CLI to spin up Paseo locally!

First, create the following network.toml file in your project's root directory.

touch network.toml
chain = "paseo-local"

name = "alice"
validator = true

name = "bob"
validator = true

This is specifying a network configuration using Paseo (which is the "test" version of the Polkadot Relay chain) along with two validator nodes to run the network: alice and bob.

Let's run it.

pop up parachain -f ./network.toml

It may take some time if it prompts you to download the binaries. Grab some coffee.

Eventually you will get output like so.

┌   Pop CLI : Deploy a parachain

◇  🚀 Network launched successfully - ctrl-c to terminate
│  ⛓️ paseo-local
│       alice:
│         portal: https://polkadot.js.org/apps/?rpc=ws://
│         logs: tail -f /var/folders/vl/txnq6gdj22s9rn296z0md27w0000gn/T/zombie-2957639d-9818-43e5-8a1d-db85ad27fea2/alice/alice.log
│       bob:
│         portal: https://polkadot.js.org/apps/?rpc=ws://
│         logs: tail -f /var/folders/vl/txnq6gdj22s9rn296z0md27w0000gn/T/zombie-2957639d-9818-43e5-8a1d-db85ad27fea2/bob/bob.log

Congrats! You now have a Paseo network running locally!

For more examples of network configurations:

For more advanced options, such as specifying the Relay chain version, run the following command:

pop up parachain --help

Learning Resources

  • 🧑‍🏫 To learn about Polkadot in general, Polkadot.network website is a good starting point.

    • ⭕ Learn more about parachains here.

  • 🧑‍🔧 For technical introduction, here are the Polkadot SDK documentation resources.

Technical Support

Last updated