You will be prompted to select a pallet, the dispatchable function and its required arguments, connection details for the chain, and the account to sign the transaction.
If interactive guidance is not desired, you can proceed manually as follows:
pop call chain --pallet System --function remark --args "0x11" --url ws://localhost:9944/ --suri //Alice --skip-confirm
To dispatch a call with Root origin when the chain's runtime includes pallet-sudo, you can wrap the call in a sudo.sudo() call by using the --sudo flag:
pop call chain --pallet System --function remark --args "0x11" --url ws://localhost:9944/ --suri //Alice --sudo
If you already have the SCALE-encoded call data and want to submit the extrinsic directly, use --chain as shown below:
pop call chain --call 0x00000411 --url ws://localhost:9944/ --suri //Alice
Wallet Signing Portal for Browser Extension Signing
Pop CLI includes a --use-wallet option that opens a signing portal, allowing you to sign transactions using a browser extension wallet. This eliminates the need to provide your account's private key directly in the command line. --suri can not be used with --use-wallet.
Example usage of --use-wallet:
pop call chain --call 0x00000411 --url ws://localhost:9944/ --use-wallet
Additional options:
pop call chain --help
Call a chain
Usage: pop call chain [OPTIONS]
-p, --pallet <PALLET>
The pallet containing the dispatchable function to execute
-f, --function <FUNCTION>
The dispatchable function to execute within the specified pallet
-a, --args [<ARGS>...]
The dispatchable function arguments, encoded as strings
-u, --url <URL>
Websocket endpoint of a node
-s, --suri <SURI>
Secret key URI for the account signing the extrinsic.
e.g. - for a dev account "//Alice" - with a password "//Alice///SECRET_PASSWORD"
-w, --use-wallet
Use a browser extension wallet to sign the extrinsic
-c, --call <call>
SCALE encoded bytes representing the call data of the extrinsic
-S, --sudo
Authenticates the sudo key and dispatches a function call with `Root` origin
-y, --skip-confirm
Automatically signs and submits the extrinsic without prompting for confirmation
-h, --help
Print help (see a summary with '-h')