
Spin up your parachain

pop up <COMMAND>

You can spawn a local network using zombienet.

Here is an example of spinning up Pop Network:


chain = "rococo-local"

name = "alice"
validator = true

name = "bob"
validator = true

id = 4385
default_command = "pop-node"

name = "pop"
args = ["-lruntime::contracts=debug"]
pop up parachain -f ./pop.toml

Pop CLI already knows where to source Pop Network binaries from so no need to specify the URL

Also worth mentioning that Pop CLI will automatically source the necessary polkadot binaries.

If you would like to spin up a custom parachain then you need to edit the network.toml file accordingly and use the -p flag:

pop up parachain -f ./tests/networks/my-parachain.toml -p https://github.com/my-username/my-parachain

Various examples of network configuration files are available here.

pop up parachain --help

Launch a local network

Usage: pop up parachain [OPTIONS] --file <FILE>

  -f, --file <FILE>
          The Zombienet network configuration file to be used
  -r, --relay-chain <RELAY_CHAIN>
          The version of the binary to be used for the relay chain, as per the release tag (e.g. "v1.13.0"). See https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot-sdk/releases for more details
  -R, --relay-chain-runtime <RELAY_CHAIN_RUNTIME>
          The version of the runtime to be used for the relay chain, as per the release tag (e.g. "v1.2.7"). See https://github.com/polkadot-fellows/runtimes/releases for more details
  -s, --system-parachain <SYSTEM_PARACHAIN>
          The version of the binary to be used for system parachains, as per the release tag (e.g. "v1.13.0"). Defaults to the relay chain version if not specified. See https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot-sdk/releases for more details
  -S, --system-parachain-runtime <SYSTEM_PARACHAIN_RUNTIME>
          The version of the runtime to be used for system parachains, as per the release tag (e.g. "v1.2.7"). See https://github.com/polkadot-fellows/runtimes/releases for more details
  -p, --parachain <PARACHAIN>
          The url of the git repository of a parachain to be used, with branch/release tag/commit specified as #fragment (e.g. 'https://github.com/org/repository#ref'). A specific binary name can also be optionally specified via query string parameter (e.g. 'https://github.com/org/repository?binaryname#ref'), defaulting to the name of the repository when not specified
  -c, --cmd <cmd>
          The command to run after the network has been launched
  -v, --verbose
          Whether the output should be verbose

Run a command after the network has been spun up

The following will spin up the network locally according the the zombienet file and once the network is up, it will run the command specified in --cmd:

pop up parachain -f ./tests/networks/pop.toml --cmd ./path/to/my/script

Last updated

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