Create a new contract

To create a smart contract with Pop CLI:

pop new contract

The above command will guide you through an interactive prompt to create a new smart contract:

┌   Pop CLI : Generate a contract

◆  Select a template type: 
│  ● Examples (Contract examples for ink!. 4 available option(s))
│  ○ ERC 
│  ○ PSP 

Notice that there are several templates available.

To get a full list of available templates run pop new contract --help

You can also create a new smart contract manually (without interactivity):

pop new contract my_contract

Note: this will create a contract using the default template which is based on the flipper contract example.

You should get output like the following:

┌   Pop CLI : Generating new contract "my_contract"!

◇  Smart contract created! Located in the following directory "/my_contract"

└  cd into "my_contract" and enjoy hacking! 🚀

You can now cd into the folder and start hacking on your contract:

cd my_contract

You should see the directory structure of your ink! smart contract:

  └─ Cargo.toml
  └─ .gitignore

Several options are available when creating a smart contract manually.

To see all the available options, run pop new contract --help

For example:

pop new contract my_contract --contract-type erc --template erc721

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