To find an estimate of how much gas you will need, you can do a "dry-run" of the contract:
pop up contract --constructor new --args false --suri //Alice --dry-run
This will perform a dry-run via an RPC call to estimate the gas usage. It does not submit a transaction.
┌ Pop CLI : Deploy a smart contract
◇ Gas limit estimate: Weight { ref_time: 146346224, proof_size: 16689 }
You can now see the estimate and make sure your account is properly funded with that amount.
We can now deploy the contract locally, meaning that we will upload and instantiate the contract.
It is also possible to only upload the contract and not instantiate by adding --upload-only
pop up contract --constructor new --args false --suri //Alice
◇ The chain "ws://localhost:9944/" is not live. Would you like pop to start a local node in the background for testing?
│ Yes
2024-06-25 16:29:14.335 INFO main sc_cli::runner: Substrate Contracts Node
2024-06-25 16:29:14.335 INFO main sc_cli::runner: ✌️ version 0.41.0-120504a771e
2024-06-25 16:29:14.335 INFO main sc_cli::runner: ❤️ by anonymous, 2021-2024
2024-06-25 16:29:14.335 INFO main sc_cli::runner: 📋 Chain specification: Development
2024-06-25 16:29:14.335 INFO main sc_cli::runner: 🏷 Node name: dull-breakfast-7458
2024-06-25 16:29:14.335 INFO main sc_cli::runner: 👤 Role: AUTHORITY
2024-06-25 16:29:14.335 INFO main sc_cli::runner: 💾 Database: RocksDb at /var/folders/vl/txnq6gdj22s9rn296z0md27w0000gn/T/substrate9Sn7BB/chains/dev/db/full
◆ Local node started successfully in the background.
▲ NOTE: The contracts node is running in the background with process ID 26552. Please close it manually when done testing.
┌ Pop CLI : Deploy a smart contract
◐ Doing a dry run to estimate the gas... ● Gas limit Weight { ref_time: 140492887, proof_size: 16689 }
◇ Contract deployed and instantiated: The Contract Address is "5EFaRZcQN3RcCRPWJchtgR7i2zgKBVK3Es26jFVtxcgS8Q9K"
└ Deployment complete
Note: The contracts node will be running in the background of your machine. If at anytime you need to kill the process you can do the following:
Find the process ID by running the following command: lsof -i :9944
Kill the process by running the kill command and passing in the ID of the process:
Your contract is now deployed! You can check in PolkadotJs Apps as well.