Running on Paseo

This guide is for running a parachain on the Polkadot "Paseo" TestNet


Paseo is the community-run Polkadot Relay chain TestNet.

Note: For contrast, Rococo is the Parity-run Polkadot Relay chain TestNet which will be deprecating in favour of the Paseo TestNet.

A good development workflow:

  1. Run your parachain locally on Paseo TestNet for development purposes

  2. When ready to test in a live environment with other parachains:

    1. Use this guide to onboard your parachain onto the live Paseo TestNet.

Let's get started.

Setting Up Polkadot Accounts

First, we will need to set up a stash account to do transactions on Paseo on behalf of our collator.

A collator is the parachain node that will be running your parachain.

There are multiple ways to generate keys (accounts) on Polkadot, such as:

Account creation should be done securely, such as using an air-gapped computer.

Create a Stash Account Key

For the sake of this guide, we will use subkey:

docker pull parity/subkey:latest

Once downloaded, subkey does not need an internet connection to work.

Let's create the stash account key:

docker run -it parity/subkey:latest generate --scheme sr25519

If you do not have docker installed, you can download the polkadot-sdk and run the following command instead:

git clone --depth 1
cd polkadot-sdk
pop build
./target/debug/polkadot key generate --scheme sr25519

You should get an output similar to:

Secret phrase:       innocent throw harsh wild example reflect sausage leopard lake bottom police enact
  Network ID:        substrate
  Secret seed:       0xee07e6d00ebed8816d3f3839caca779dbddb52e9847159feaf1858dec6adcc6e
  Public key (hex):  0xe0f20cba0c53da3ab427a5bd5b49b3214038a7b89fe4b1b7ea992d153fab495a
  Account ID:        0xe0f20cba0c53da3ab427a5bd5b49b3214038a7b89fe4b1b7ea992d153fab495a
  Public key (SS58): 5H9eVCvHfNMqNhMTL2FVJfy7fPgquCpvCktkMd98Dz9goRBy
  SS58 Address:      5H9eVCvHfNMqNhMTL2FVJfy7fPgquCpvCktkMd98Dz9goRBy

This your key (Polkadot account). Save the secret phrase in a vault securely and never share it.

Now that we have a stash account, we need to fund this account with some tokens so that it has funds to perform transactions on behalf of the collator such as transactions related to onboarding your parachain.

Go to the Polkadot Faucet and fund your account:

Cool. Make sure to add your account to the Polkadot Signer extension so that you can see your account appear in the PolkadotJs Apps UI.

Alternatively, you can check the Paseo chain state under system.account() to see your account balance.

Create a Session Account Key

We now need to create one more account. In order for collators to produce blocks, they need to sign the block with a (session) key. We call this key the session key. This account is specifically created for block production.

Let's go ahead and create the session account key.

We can use subkey to generate the keys for us.

docker pull parity/subkey:latest

Reminder that this should be done securely, such as using an air-gapped computer.

docker run -it parity/subkey:latest generate --scheme sr25519
Secret phrase:       innocent throw harsh wild example reflect sausage leopard lake bottom police enact
  Network ID:        substrate
  Secret seed:       0xee07e6d00ebed8816d3f3839caca779dbddb52e9847159feaf1858dec6adcc6e
  Public key (hex):  0xe0f20cba0c53da3ab427a5bd5b49b3214038a7b89fe4b1b7ea992d153fab495a
  Account ID:        0xe0f20cba0c53da3ab427a5bd5b49b3214038a7b89fe4b1b7ea992d153fab495a
  Public key (SS58): 5H9eVCvHfNMqNhMTL2FVJfy7fPgquCpvCktkMd98Dz9goRBy
  SS58 Address:      5H9eVCvHfNMqNhMTL2FVJfy7fPgquCpvCktkMd98Dz9goRBy

Save the secret phrase in a secure manner.

Parachain Onboarding

With the account and session keys created, we can now ready our parachain for onboarding.

Obtain the Parachain ID

To onboard our parachain we need to grab the next available parachain ID on Paseo. We can use PolkaotJs Apps and check the chain state for the next available parachain ID:

Make sure to note down the paraId. We will be using this in our next step

Create the Parachain's Chain Spec

Now that we have our paraId we can create our parachain's specification:

cd my-parachain
pop build spec --release --id 4024 --type live --relay paseo --protocol-id my_parachain

This will output the following:

  • Your parachain's chain specification file

    • The plain text and the raw version e.g. chain-spec.json and chain-spec-raw.json

  • Your parachain's initial genesis state e.g. para-4024-genesis-state

  • Your parachain's Wasm runtime e.g. para-4024.wasm

For more advanced customization pop build spec --help

Open the chain-spec.json file in your editor.

Make sure to edit your chain spec and:

  • add your account and session keys

  • specify the starting balance of specific accounts

  • add the account that will be the sudo account for your parachain

  "name": "Awesome Network",
  "id": "awesome_network",
  "chainType": "Live",
  "bootNodes": [],
  "telemetryEndpoints": null,
  "protocolId": "awesome_network",
  "properties": {
    "ss58Format": 42,
    "tokenDecimals": 12,
    "tokenSymbol": "AWE"
  "relay_chain": "paseo",
  "para_id": 4024,
  "codeSubstitutes": {},
  "genesis": {
    "runtimeGenesis": {
      "code": "...",
      "patch": {
        "balances": {
          "balances": [
        "collatorSelection": {
          "candidacyBond": 16000000000,
          "invulnerables": [
        "parachainInfo": {
          "parachainId": 4024
        "polkadotXcm": {
          "safeXcmVersion": 4
        "session": {
          "keys": [
                "aura": "INSERT_SS58_SESSION_KEY_COLLATOR_1"
                "aura": "INSERT_SS58_SESSION_KEY_COLLATOR_2_OPTIONAL"
        "sudo": {
          "key": "INSERT_SS58_SUDO_ACCOUNT_KEY"

Since we have modified our chain spec, we will need to re-generate the raw chain spec:

./target/release/parachain-template-node build-spec --chain chain-spec.json --disable-default-bootnode --raw > chain-spec-raw.json

We are now ready to create an issue on Paseo's Github requesting to onboard our parachain:

Once you have been confirmed and given a slot, you can start running your collators.

Run the Collator

In order to run your parachain's collator node you will need the latest version of the Paseo chain spec.

You can download that here:

Make sure to select the tag version that Paseo is running, download the zip, and you will find the paseo.raw.json file inside the zip folder.

We will also need to create a node-key for your collator:

mdkir data/chains/awesome_network/network
cd data/chains/awesome_network/network
docker run -it parity/subkey:latest generate-node-key --file=secret_ed25519 --chain=./chain-spec-raw.json

Run the collator with the following command:

./target/release/parachain-template-node \
--collator \
--force-authoring \
--chain chain-spec-raw.json \
--base-path ./data \
--port 40333 \
--rpc-port 8845 \
-- \
--sync warp \
--execution wasm \
--chain paseo.raw.json \
--port 30343 \
--rpc-port 9977

We now need to insert the session key into our running collator:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{
}' \

It will take time for your collator to sync with the Paseo Relay chain. Once it is synced your parachain will start producing blocks.


Next Steps

For next steps, you can try the following:

  • Designate one collator as the bootnode for the parachain's network

    • Add a second collator


Learning Resources

  • 🧑‍🏫 To learn about Polkadot in general, website is a good starting point.

    • ⭕ Learn more about parachains here.

  • 🧑‍🔧 For technical introduction, here are the Polkadot SDK documentation resources.

Technical Support

Last updated