If you lost the address, you can always pull up PolkadotJs Apps and check the chain state for the contract address.
┌ Pop CLI : Calling a contract
◐ Calling the contract...
⚙ Result: Ok(false)
▲ Your call has not been executed.
▲ To submit the transaction and execute the call on chain, add -x/--execute flag to the command.
└ Call completed successfully!
The result here is false meaning that value in the contract storage is set to false.
Let's try flipping it. Remember to update the contract address accordingly.
┌ Pop CLI : Calling a contract
◐ Calling the contract...
⚙ Result: Ok(true)
▲ Your call has not been executed.
▲ To submit the transaction and execute the call on chain, add -x/--execute flag to the command.
└ Call completed successfully!
The value is now true.
Awesome, you now know how to make calls to your smart contract.