Acquire Coretime

The following guide shows how to acquire coretime.

In order to get a chain's block validated and finalised by the Relay chain it needs to acquire coretime.

Acquire coretime using the following command:

pop call chain --url <relay_endpoint>
┌   Pop CLI : Call a chain

◇  What would you like to do?
│  Purchase on-demand coretime 

◇  Enter the value for the parameter: max_amount
│  10000000

◇  Enter the value for the parameter: para_id
│  2000

◇  Do you want to use your browser wallet to sign the extrinsic? (Selecting 'No' will prompt you to manually enter the secret key URI for signing, e.g., '//Alice')
│  No

◇  Signer of the extrinsic:
       Event OnDemand ➜ OnDemandOrderPlaced
         para_id: Id(2000)
         spot_price: 1mUNIT
         ordered_by: <CHAIN MANAGER ACCOUNT>

Note: the max_amount (spot price willing to pay for a core) will vary depending on the Relay Network.

If the event OnDemandOrderPlaced is returned it means that your block will be validated and finalised!

Note: In the example above, you are prompted to provide a <private-key> to interact with the chain. However, this implies a potentially insecure way of handling private keys and should only be used for development accounts. For production accounts and enhanced security, Pop CLI offers the --use-wallet option to securely sign transactions. Refer to the Securely sign transactions from CLI guide for detailed instructions.


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