Set up keys

The following guide shows how to generate keys.

There are multiple ways to generate keys (accounts) on Polkadot, such as:

Account creation should be done securely, such as using an air-gapped computer.

For the sake of this guide, we will use subkey:

Using Docker

docker pull parity/subkey:latest

Generate the key:

docker run -it parity/subkey:latest generate --scheme sr25519

On your Machine

You can download the polkadot-sdk and run the following command instead:

git clone --depth 1
cd polkadot-sdk
pop build
./target/debug/polkadot key generate --scheme sr25519

You should get an output similar to:

Secret phrase:       innocent throw harsh wild example reflect sausage leopard lake bottom police enact
  Network ID:        substrate
  Secret seed:       0xee07e6d00ebed8816d3f3839caca779dbddb52e9847159feaf1858dec6adcc6e
  Public key (hex):  0xe0f20cba0c53da3ab427a5bd5b49b3214038a7b89fe4b1b7ea992d153fab495a
  Account ID:        0xe0f20cba0c53da3ab427a5bd5b49b3214038a7b89fe4b1b7ea992d153fab495a
  Public key (SS58): 5H9eVCvHfNMqNhMTL2FVJfy7fPgquCpvCktkMd98Dz9goRBy
  SS58 Address:      5H9eVCvHfNMqNhMTL2FVJfy7fPgquCpvCktkMd98Dz9goRBy

This your key (Polkadot account). Save the secret phrase in a vault securely and never share it.


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