The following will guide developers on how to run a command after launch of your network.
Often there is a use case to run a command (or script) upon network initialization.
Say you want to fund accounts on your appchain or run a command to check account balances, Pop CLI allows you to do this via the --cmd option that is included in the pop up parachain command:
pop up parachain --help
To run a command post-initialization of the network, you can use the --cmd flag:
pop up parachain -f ./tests/networks/pop.toml --cmd path/to/command
Here is an example of a simple script to update account balances on the Polkadot Relay chain:
pop up parachain -f network.toml -r v1.8.0 --cmd ./target/debug/set-balance
┌ Pop CLI : Launch a local network
◓ Spinning up network & running command: ../set-balance/target/debug/set-balance Connecting to the Relay chain...
Preparing to set Alice's balance...
New balance to be set for Alice: 3000000000000000000000
Creating SUDO call to set Alice's balance...
Submitting the transaction to set Alice's balance...
◓ Spinning up network & running command: ../set-balance/target/debug/set-balance Alice's balance has been successfully set to: 3000000000000000000000
◇ 🚀 Network launched successfully - ctrl-c to terminate
│ ⛓️ paseo-local
│ alice:
│ portal:
│ logs: tail -f /var/folders/vl/txnq6gdj22s9rn296z0md27w0000gn/T/zombie-4299a032-01d0-4704-9c80-64f09b387aec/alice/alice.log
│ bob:
│ portal:
│ logs: tail -f /var/folders/vl/txnq6gdj22s9rn296z0md27w0000gn/T/zombie-4299a032-01d0-4704-9c80-64f09b387aec/bob/bob.log
Pop CLI has spun up the Polkadot network and executed the post-startup script.