Spinning up Paseo

How to spin up the Paseo Relay chain locally

Lets create a configuration file to launch Paseo Local:

touch paseo-local.toml
chain = "paseo-local"

key = "5GrwvaEF5zXb26Fz9rcQpDWS57CtERHpNehXCPcNoHGKutQY" # Alice

name = "alice"
rpc_port = 57731
validator = true

name = "bob"
validator = true

name = "charlie"
validator = true

As you can see, the sudo account (admin of the chain) is overridden with Alice account. This allows us to make changes to Paseo Local if needed.

Run the network:

pop up parachain -f paseo-local.toml --verbose

The --verbose flag provides us with extra information such as the location of the Paseo Local chain spec file.

Paseo Local should now be running on your machine and producing blocks!

Network Endpoints

Based on the paseo-local.toml file, the following validator nodes are spun up:

  • Alice: ws://localhost:57731

  • Bob: ws://localhost:57735.

  • Charlie: ws://localhost:57739.

The rpc_port for Alice has been specified, the ports for Bob & Charlie are dynamically assigned.

These endpoints come in handy when you want to interact with the chain (e.g. pop call chain).

Configure Paseo Local

As of now, Paseo Local doesn't provide cores to validate parachain blocks on demand. We will have to make 2 calls to Paseo Local using Alice as admin account.

First, configure Paseo Local to set coretime cores to 1:

pop call chain --pallet Configuration --function set_coretime_cores --args "1" --url ws://localhost:57731/ --suri //Alice --sudo --skip-confirm

Note: the specified rpc port 57731 is specified in the created paseo-local.toml file and is to interact with the validator alice.

Second, assign the core to the on demand pool:

pop call chain --url ws://localhost:57731 --call 0xff004a0400000a000000040100e100 --suri //Alice --skip-confirm

For more examples of network configurations:

For more advanced options, such as specifying the Relay chain version, run the following command:

pop up parachain --help

Learning Resources

  • 🧑‍🏫 To learn about Polkadot in general, Polkadot.network website is a good starting point.

    • ⭕ Learn more about parachains here.

  • 🧑‍🔧 For technical introduction, here are the Polkadot SDK documentation resources.

Technical Support

Last updated

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